Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Pictures based on my last post:

This is a painted dryer sheet with flowers painted with watercolor paint.

Thread painted flowers. Specialty machine stitching with varigated thread.

Framed with bugle and seed beads, with gold, square beads on the corners.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mid-April Already!

Goodness gracious! It's mid-April already and I was SURE I had blogged at least once or twice in April. I couldn't believe it when I looked at my blog tonight and saw that I hadn't blogged since 30 March!

We were in Florence, Italy from Sunday to Thursday last week. Florence is a beautiful city and we had a lot of fun. The food, the wine and the people were exceptional!

I have been working on a few projects. I decided to paint some used dryer sheets just for the heck of it. I used Lumiere paint and I LOVED the result that I got. I took some black and white flowers that I had cut from other fabric and painted them with watercolors. They came out good, too. I decided to combine the dryer sheets and flowers into small quilts; they are about 12x10 or so.

I used metallic paint on the dry sheets, so they contrast nicely with the softer colors of the flowers. I have four quilts planned. I am fairly far along with one of the four. I did some thread painting on one of the flowers, did some fancy machine stitching and then did a bit of machine quilting. I decided the piece needed beads, so I beaded the inside of one flower and beaded a border around the whole piece with bugle and seed beads. The piece is crying out for more beads, but I haven't decided if I should do leaves or just abstract designs.

Once again I need to take pictures, which I will try to take and post tomorrow night. Given the choice between working on a project and taking pictures, I'm almost always tempted to work on the project.