Sunday, July 18, 2010

Progress....and a Finish

I have some progress pictures and a finish to talk about today.  First, my progress pictures:

This is Grisella my Nifty Fifty doll.  I'm making her to celebrate my 5th decade.  She is supposed to be done by October.  I think she might be.  I was a bit stymied about her hair, but finally decided what should look like.

You can see  that she has two butterfly "tattoos" strategic areas.  And her hair is a natural do o of bead strings and square beads.
I've started adding garters...wooohooo.....and will make a pair of peyote stockings for Grisella.


And here is my finish:  

 This is my third bead embroidered cuff bracelet.  I used three dichroic cabochons that I bought from the internet and used all kinds and shades of brown beads.  It looks really rich.