Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finally a FINISH!

Finally, I have a finish to a project I've been working on for months.  I finished my 1920's Flapper off-loom project. Here's a picture:

It is done in 3 drop peyote.  I made it from a copyright free design that I tweaked and then colored.  I'm going to get a shadow box for her and hang her somewhere.

This is a picture of my Edwardian girl Loom piece.  It's hard to tell what it will look like from this picture, but it will be nice.  I have about 98 more rows to go.  I've made quite a bit of progress on her this week.  She's destined for my mom's house.

Still working on Griselda and my bead embroidered cuff.  Maybe pictures of them tomorrow.

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